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Approved February 2022 Meeting Minutes

Minutes Approved during March 2022 Meeting

HCA Meeting February 3, 2022

Zoom meeting attendees: 17

Officers in attendance:

  • Tamara Srader, President

  • Mark Rogers, Vice President

  • Michelle Arsenault, Secretary

  • Michael Hamill, Treasurer

a. Call to Order

b. Overview of published agenda

c. Review of Previous Minutes.

January and February notes will be approved on the next call.

d. Treasurer’s Report (Michael Hamill).

No treasurer’s report for this meeting. Will have a report next month.

e. Committee and Other Reports

  • Public Safety Committee (Jason Zaragoza) - The Public Safety Committee is holding a joint meeting with Transportation Committee and Planning/Zoning Committee to talk about the re-striping on Fort Hunt Road for traffic calming. There are new stop signs and turn lanes at the intersection of Fort Hunt and Belle View Rd. Bert asked about the possibility of doing something similar on Huntington Ave.

    • Committee meetings are open to the public and Jason will share Zoom links. The HCA President offered to add the meeting dates to the HCA calendar.

  • Environment and Recreation (E & R) (Alan Ruof).

    • A local lawyer introduced a resolution at the last meeting regarding a public notice requirement. Fairfax County publishes a print ad in the Washington Times that doesn’t reach many people. They discussed why the notices aren’t just published on the County website, and which committee should be responsible for publishing. Alan emphasized that the notices apply to all committees.

    • Living shoreline requirement. Alan asked about the HCA drafting a resolution to support….. Bert (Wetlands Board) added that permits to develop shoreline properties were not in place and they were issued a stop-order. For more information please review the Comrehensive Plan Amendment here

  • Planning Committee Meeting (Ray Novitske) No meeting since the last HCA meeting. The Planning Committee meets on Monday and will be discussing the new restaurant and new vet office on Richmond Highway near the garden center and hotel. Other topics include a development (several acres) at Quander Road, near McDonalds.

  • Infill Development Committee. There were about 55 people at the introductory meeting (virtual). Ray, who is an architect, is on the Committee. Infill development is changing the character of some neighborhoods and residents are not pleased. Infill is easy in Fairfax County although it is perceived as being stricter. Ray noted that it is somewhat progressive with RPAs but requirements are not more difficult than other areas. Expecting good participation on the Committee.

f. President’s Report. Update from Tamara Srader (President)

  • HCA Officers will meet this weekend to touch base.

  • Aventon Developer is scheduled to speak to the HCA on the March call. Tamara will ask Rose, from the Arden Development to come as well.

  • Tamara will add the conservation plan to the website.

  • Lots of survey activity behind the properties at the top of Biscayne (East side).

  • Final Salute transition housing. The residence has been largely empty during the pandemic and is being updated. They hope to have it occupied in the Spring. Tamara is seeking ways to get them involved in the community.

  • Tamara is updating the website, completing other administrative tasks.

g. Area Associations’ Time. No report

h. Invited Guests’ Time. No invited guests. i. Other Elected Representatives’ Time. N/A j. Published Agenda Items and Resolutions. None.

k. HCA Member Time

  • David Sears asked if there were any plans to meet in person at the Huntington Community Center. The Community Center is open, but there are no immediate plans to meet in person. The President will reach out to the Community Center and ask them to join a future HCA call to provide an update.

  • Jamie Scholzen thanked folks for helping to prune the orchard at the top of Blaine. Jamie will send details the President to help distribute information about other events at the orchard.

  • Mark Rogers noted that VDOT has been more proactive about salting, sanding, and plowing. He added that a tree fell on the Blaine path, and he helped to trim it back, but will alert the Park that it needs trimming/removing.

  • Bert’a Holmes added a link to the meeting chat about salt and water runoff from snow treatment.

  • Jason Zaragoza spoke with Mark Viani of the Aventon about drainage issues. Once the development is finished, they will address any issues, and may invite the HCA members to do a site visit.

  • Tamara Srader mentioned that something at construction site (the Aventon) shook the house/neighborhood, but was unsure what it was.

l. Public (non-HCA member time). N/A

m. The meeting was adjourned at 8:17pm EST


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