Approved - November 2023 Minutes
Draft - HCA Meeting Minutes November 2, 2023
Zoom meeting attendees: 11
Tamara Srader, President
Mark Rogers, Vice President
Michelle Arsenault, Secretary
Michael Hamill - Treasurer
Official meeting called to Order @19:36 (7:36pm)
Announcement & overview of published agenda
Review of Minutes from October 2023 - minutes can be found on the HCA website The minutes from the October
2023 meeting were voted on and approved with no corrections. Ray relayed a comment from a neighbor
who praised the thoroughness of the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report. Budget approval
Committee and Other Reports.
o MVCCA (Mount Vernon Council of Citizens’ Associations, Inc.,) is looking for volunteers. More
information can be found on the MVCCA website in the latest issue of The
Record. Contact Tamara and she can connect people who would like to
o MVCCA - Environment and Recreation - Alan Ruof. No update.
o MVCCA - Planning and Zoning - Ray Novitske. Meets on first Monday, so haven’t met this month.
o MVCCA - Transportation Committee - Jason Zaragoza. No update, except for the President’s
update on the VDOT Woodrow Wilson Bridge project (see below).
o MVCCA - Education Committee - Mark Rogers. No update.
HCA President’s Report - Tamara Srader.
o As per the president, via email: “As of the mailing of the Newsletter we have 31 members who
have paid their $12 dues for 2023. Prior to our vote for new officers, we will be checking the
membership. As of today’s date, if we have a payment for you a response was sent through email
confirming your dues payment. Thank you to those who have helped support our small but mighty
organization. We need approximately 40 paying members to cover our expenses each year.” To
pay dues: PayPal:
o The October MVCCA meeting was cancelled, and instead VDOT held a meeting to talk about
changes to lanes on Woodrow Wilson Bridge. Elected representatives were present. VDOT seeks to
expand HOT lanes across the Bridge. Members discussed the history of this project, including the
fact that MD had not agreed to anything, and the project cannot move forward without their
participation. VDOT got lots of pushback at the meeting, which they were not expecting, because
the community was not included in the early conversations.
the project includes an environmental impact study and there will be other opportunities for
public comment.
o The stairs at the top of Biscayne leading to the Metro are semi-open and will be fully open in
o Fairfax County has been doing parking enforcement in the neighborhood, and officers have issued
about 166 citations.
o November elections for 2024 HCA Officers. To date Tamara hasn’t received any interest from
members. Nominations will be taken during the meeting. Per HCA bylaws, only paid members can
vote. You can join by visiting the website at
o No members volunteered to run for an officer position, and therefore the current officers will
continue in their positions: Michael Hamill – Treasurer; Michelle Arsenault – Secretary; Mark
Rogers - Vice President; and Tamara Srader - President. There were no objections, so the group
voted by consent.
o Ray asked to discuss internet costs at a future date.
o Here is the draft budget we will be discussing and voting on for 2024. Please consider supporting
us next year.
HCA Member Time (if you would like to discuss a specific topic, please email Tamara Srader, HCA president
prior to the meeting at
o The Parks department has been monitoring and cleaning the path at the top of Blaine. The
new leadership is very conscientious, and responsive. Please reach out to Mark Rogers and he
can relay any requests or comments. Liz Kepferle has also contacted them via the online forms.
o The house at top of Biscayne (on the left) will be on the market soon, and there’s a concern
that it will be sold to another developer.
o The log cabin in the woods at the top of Biscayne has been renovated and is advertised for
rent at 2850.00/month.
o Laverle mentioned having a potluck at the holidays in lieu of the business meeting, perhaps at
the community center in lower Huntington. He volunteered to help and asked if anyone else
wanted to assist. Please contact LaVerle or Ray
if interested. Folks were enthusiastic about the idea. Darin and Kendal volunteered to help, as
they live close to the community center.
o Darin volunteered to build and set up a wooden sign reminding folks of the monthly meetings
to get more participation.
The meeting was adjourned at 20:18