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Approved - March 2023 Minutes

Draft - March 2023 Minutes

Draft - HCA Meeting March 2, 2023

Zoom meeting attendees: 18


  • Tamara Srader, President

  • Mark Rogers, Vice President

  • Michelle Arsenault, Secretary

Call to Order @19:32 (7:32pm)

  • Announcement & overview of published Agenda

  • Review of Minutes from March 2023 - minutes can be found on the HCA website The minutes from the February 2023 meeting were voted on and approved.

  • The president invited three representatives to the call to provide updates. A representative from Fairfax County parking enforcement, one from the Aventon Development, and one from the Arden Development. The representative from the Aventon will join the April call, and the Arden did not respond. Tamara will follow up with the team from the Arden.

  • Peyton Smith, Representative from the Fairfax County parking enforcement, joined the call to listen and gather feedback about any issues related to parking and the new development. Peyton works in Supervisor Storck’s office, and lives (lived?) in the neighborhood. Tamara opened it up to questions from members:

    • Mark Rogers mentioned that years ago, before the groundbreaking of the Arden, we were assured that on-street parking in the neighborhood would not be impacted. There have been some issues and he recommended some parking restrictions for people entering and exiting the garage on Biscayne. Even with cars parked on one side of the street, Biscayne is effectively a one lane road. Peyton mentioned that Arden residents are not allowed to get a 1A parking sticker, so shouldn’t be parking on the street.

    • Anthony noted that when delivery vans or moving vans stop at the corner of Huntington and Biscayne it’s creating congestion. He also noted cars parking on Blaine for the day.

    • Peyton noted that a parking officer issued tickets last week for cars that were using parking decals that didn’t belong to the vehicle, even though it may have been for the same household. This isn’t allowed.

    • Peyton indicated that he will be having a conversation soon with VDOT about possible solutions. It’s unlikely they will put up any restricted parking signs and will only sign if they impose a total parking restriction.

    • Tamara added that the residents at the end of Biscayne have been disproportionately affected by the construction and asked that they keep them in mind when imposing parking restrictions.

    • Alan urged the group to keep in mind the overall picture of development of the area and would like to see incentives for mass transit to alleviate the automobile congestion. He also noted that during the construction, the crews were parking on residential streets, and perhaps the way to solve this issue is to require developers to include parking in their operating costs, so they can provide parking spots (maybe at Metro?). Alan also acknowledged that we don’t have many parking enforcement officers.

    • Peyton said that they have been thinking about ways to incentivize or change the rules for mixed use developments.

    • Jamie mentioned that safety issues are a concern at the corner of Huntington and Biscayne. Since this is where the front door of the Arden is, it is where people stop for pickup and drop off, and if a car is turning onto Biscayne from Huntington, it’s creating a safety hazard. She also asked about installing lighted crosswalks on Huntington, both near Biscayne and farther down near the Riverside apartments. Peyton reminded the group about the Road Diet project that was authorized in 2020, which includes the RRFB (flashing beacon) and a refuge island in the center of the Huntington. Other ideas were to install a sidewalk and bike lanes on each side which would narrow the road, and potentially slow cars down.

    • Peyton will talk with Wesley Housing (who run the Arden) about moving the pickup and drop off area.

    • Nick highlighted the connections between the Road Diet project, impending mass transit improvements, and other infrastructure improvements, as well as the development of grocery and convenience stores in the area.

    • Mark noted that waste management picked up at the Arden this past week, and didn’t secure the top of the truck, so it littered all over the neighborhood. Peyton said to contact Supervisor Storck’s office at (703) 780-7518 and they can also liaise with the private company about this.

    • Tamara informed the group that one person/entity has purchased the apartment buildings and a couple remaining duplex units on Glendale between the Arden and Blaine, and are likely going to develop them into more apartments, which will also impact parking.

    • Jason Zaragoza asked about yard waste pickup, as they have not picked up recently. Peyton said they do not pick up over the winter, and usually begin pick up March 1.

    • The HCA thanked Peyton for participating and spending so much time listening to our concerns.

  • Treasurer’s Report - Michael Hamill was not present, so Tamara gave the update. Tamara spent some funds recently for HCA fees. She thanked folks for paying dues, so the HCA can cover its administrative costs.

  • Committee and Other Reports 1. MVCCA - Environment and Recreation - Alan Ruof. Environment and Rec Committee met and discussed several topics including impaired water quality, and industrial scale solar power issues associated with cutting down trees and converting farmland. Data centers are a booming business in Fairfax County, and because they use a lot of energy and their emergency backup power is diesel, the county is requesting they look for alternative energy sources, such as solar and natural gas. Additionally, they use evaporative cooling, so their wastewater is highly saline and untreated. The goal is to have these companies pay for treatment instead of transferring the cost to taxpayers. Alan noted that anyone can join the committee or participate. 2. MVCCA - Planning and Zoning - Ray Novitske. Not present. Will be on next call to provide an update. 3. MVCCA - Public Safety - Jason Zaragoza. Jason had no update for the public safety committee as he was not able to attend. He is transitioning to the transportation committee instead. Tamara added that many of the Mount Vernon Committees are in need of volunteers. If anyone is interested, please let Tamara or Jason know. 4. Fairfax County - Infill Development Task Force - Ray Novitske. Not present. 5. MVCCA - Education Committee - Mark Rogers. The Education Committee met last night and heard from a guest speaker from the Bryant Alternative Learning Center. The Bryant School serves a variety of students that are experiencing challenges and is working well in helping students.

  • HCA President’s Report - Tamara Srader.

    • Tamara will invite speakers from the Arden and the Aventon to the next HCA meeting.

    • Tamara will send Supervisor Storck’s office a thank-you note for being engaged and to let them know we appreciate Peyton responding to our request to speak on short notice. Peyton’s contact was added to the chat so people can thank him personally.

    • Reminder - please consider your dues for 2023 - they can be paid via PayPal:

  • HCA Member Time (if you would like to discuss a specific topic, please email Tamara Srader, HCA president prior to the meeting at

    • Megan Meyer - Parking on the other side of Huntington near new townhomes is also an issue. Tamara has a contact and will reach out about that and trash issues.

    • Kendall mentioned a new neighbor that was in an accident and has some needs. Daren built a ramp so they can get into their house, and several members of the community offered to help with medical equipment and other needs.

    • Anthony noted a large pile of trash bags and despite several requests, the county would not remove them. Another member noted that they were finally removed by Metro.

    • Emmaly & Mike reminded the HCA about writing a letter to Dos Jefes supporting their request for outdoor seating.

  • The meeting was adjourned at 20:40


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