Draft - February 2025 Meeting Minutes
Draft - HCA Meeting Minutes February 6, 2025
Zoom meeting attendees: 12
Tamara Srader, President
Dorothy Edwards, Vice President
Michelle Arsenault, Secretary
Mark Rogers, Treasurer
Official meeting called to order @19:34 (7:34 pm).
Announcement & overview of published agenda
Review of Minutes from January 2025 - minutes can be found on the HCA website
https://www.huntingtononline.org/meeting-minutes-1. Minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report (TS). No report.
HCA member dues are due in January. $12.00/year. https://www.huntingtononline.org/join-hca. Please consider supporting our small volunteer organization.
Committee and Other Reports:
MVCCA (Mount Vernon Council of Citizens’ Associations, Inc.) If you are interested in volunteering, please go to the MVCCA website www.mvcca.org for more information. You can also contact Tamara, and she can connect people who would like to volunteer. Committees are always looking for volunteers!
Environment and Recreation (E & R) - Alan Ruof. No update.
Planning and Zoning (P & Z) - Ray Novitske. Nothing on agenda, so they reviewed the projects on Richmond Highway. These projects are not moving ahead at the moment, and development has been paused. As part of the long-term development, many houses along Richmond Highway are being boarded up and torn down. They are also installing art/sculptures.
Transportation Committee (TC) - Tamara for Jason Zaragoza. Jason will step down soon due to work commitments.
Education Committee - Mark Rogers. Met to discuss proposed budget for Fairfax Country for the upcoming year. The Committee proposes a budget to the Board of Supervisors, who then decide the total budget amount. The School Board then parses out the amount. Proposed budget increases include a 7% increase for employee compensation to be competitive with other school districts in the area, and to increase safety in new elementary schools.
Budget and Finance. A new person has joined.
Stormwater - Open
Public Safety - Mark Rogers.
Two police officers presented crime stats and crime prevention. Crime is down in Fairfax County. Larceny may have increased; however, it may be due to more surveillance and so more reporting.
Car break ins and house break ins. Opportunity crimes. Don’t leave doors unlocked and don’t leave items out to entice people.
Route 1 pedestrian accidents are down a little - from 8 to 7.
ConnectFFCounty.org https://connectfairfaxcounty.org/ to upload video or pics from Ring, SimpliSafe, or others, and the police would then reach out and ask if you would like to volunteer to send images in case of crime. This is considered Level 1 surveillance. Level 2 is a live feed, which applies more to businesses, apartment buildings, etc. If there is a crime in progress the police could then monitor that camera live.
Public safety and transportation committees will merge and become one committee.
HCA President’s Report - Tamara Srader.
Tamara mentioned parking issues to Supervisor Storck. A neighbor put up a sign in front of her house on Biscayne asking people not to park in her spot, but has had issues near the Arden. Parking enforcement shift ends at 5:00 but our restrictions are until 8, so that is a problem.
Tamara encouraged everyone to thank Cathy if you see her, as she walks every day and picks up trash in the neighborhood. She always takes care of trash in front of 7-11 because no one will own it and take care of it. Trash can in front of Dos Jefes was put there by county, and they agreed to empty it on trash day, but haven’t.
Tamara met with Dorothy last week to talk about transitioning roles for when she leaves this spring. Tamara and LeeAnn are moving out of Huntington, and she will remain president of the HCA until they sell the house. Likely in the next few months.
HCA Member Time (if you would like to discuss a specific topic, please email Tamara Srader, HCA president prior to the meeting at president@huntingtononline.org)
Jamie is hosting an orchard pruning party the next couple Saturdays from 1:00 - 3:00
A member suggested organizing “grab and gab” to clean up streets.
VDOT and road preparation for snow. VDOT brines major roads only. Budget issues seem to be the issue. Contracting with landscaping companies that didn’t do a very good job clearing the snow and ice during the last storm. Call VDOT or use the online report https://plows.vdot.virginia.gov/
Tamara reported a large pothole that is starting to form on Biscayne near Glendale.
The meeting was adjourned at 20:10.