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Draft - Draft - HCA Meeting Minutes October 3, 2024

Draft - HCA Meeting Minutes October 3, 2024 

Zoom meeting attendees: 9


  • Tamara Srader, President

  • Mark Rogers, Vice President 

  • Michelle Arsenault, Secretary

Official meeting called to Order @19:33 (7:33 pm). 

MVCCA (Mount Vernon Council of Citizens’ Associations, Inc.) If you are interested in volunteering, please go to the MVCCA website for more information. You can also contact Tamara, and she can connect people who would like to volunteer. 

  • MVCCA - Environment and Recreation (E & R) - Alan Ruof. No update.

  • MVCCA - Planning and Zoning (P & Z) - Ray Novitske. No meeting, so no update. 

  • MVCCA - Transportation Committee (TC) - Jason Zaragoza. Met to talk about VDOT proposal. All but one person approved of the proposal. Jason encouraged folks to go to the public meeting - October 9 at 7pm and asked that Tamara send out a note on the Facebook page. 

    • The Planning & Zoning (P & Z) and Transportation Committees will have a joint meeting next week. VDOT will attend to update them on the 495 express lanes study. 

    • Ray asked if VDOT was responsible for the surface relief between the newly repaved road and the manhole covers on Richmond Highway, which is causing drivers to swerve to miss them, or risk damage to their cars. Jason will ask VDOT if that is something they would address/fix. 

  • MVCCA - Public Safety - Jason noted that there is a new public safety chair on the MVCC, and he is seeking new members to participate. Would like to put out a call to the community. Mark is considering joining given that the Education Committee isn’t very busy. Tamara mentioned that she had a discussion with Kathryn Ward, and Kathryn asked her to relay some information from the public safety meeting regarding a drug gang that was found to be operating out of the Huntington Club Condos. Specifically, an eye glass repair place that was a front. The owner has since been evicted. There has been a large police presence at the Huntington Club. 

  • MVCCA - Education Committee - Mark Rogers. The Education is due to meet this month. Date is to be announced. Tamara also noted that redistricting is still in the works.

HCA President’s Report - Tamara Srader. HCA Officer elections are next month (November). The HCA treasurer resigned, and Mark has expressed interest in moving to that position, so the Vice President position may be open if anyone is interested.


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