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Draft - August 2024 Meeting

Draft - HCA Meeting Minutes August 1, 2024

Draft - HCA Meeting Minutes August 1, 2024 

Zoom meeting attendees: 14


  • Tamara Srader, President

  • Mark Rogers, Vice President 

  • Michelle Arsenault, Secretary

Official meeting called to Order @19:34 (7:34 pm)

  • Announcement & overview of published agenda

  • Review of Minutes from May 2024 & June 2024 - minutes can be found on the HCA website

  • Treasurer’s Report (TS). 

  • HCA member dues are due in January. $12:00/year.  Tamara just paid the dues to the MVCC citizens council dues for the year. 

  • Committee and Other Reports. 

  • MVCCA (Mount Vernon Council of Citizens’ Associations, Inc.) If you are interested in volunteering, please go to the MVCCA website for more information. You can also contact Tamara and she can connect people who would like to volunteer. 

  • MVCCA - Environment and Recreation (E & R) - Alan Ruof. Discussed two items at last meeting. 1. The State of VA is going to change the law so people who live along the coast and have been impacted by the requirements for living shorelines have protection, as long as they act in good faith. This was received positively. 2. Datacenters - good revenue source - but there is a concerted effort to balance negatives to environment (noise, encroachment on neighborhoods, etc.).

  • MVCCA - Planning and Zoning (P & Z) - Ray Novitske. P & Z met in July. They discussed several topics: a complicated map; The Fairfax Country Comprehensive Plan that includes a childcare center, and the funding shortfall for the homeless shelter/transitional housing/fire station. Tamara mentioned that the Planning Commission praised Ray for his involvement in the plan amendment to remove the community center from the property in front of the Parker. 

  • MVCCA - Transportation Committee (TC) - Jason Zaragoza. Jason couldn’t make the meeting but passed along update via email. Attended the webinar for the airport noise survey with FAA and design firm that is conducting the study. 

  • MVCCA – Safety - Jason Zaragoza. Jason couldn’t make the meeting but passed along update via email. The Fairfax County DOT completed its traffic study for Huntington, and would like to join the next HCA meeting to present their findings to us, and to discuss ideas for the road diet. They want to make sure the neighborhood is on board and part of the decision making. Alan asked that we advertise widely so everyone comes, because there has been a lot of interest. Tamara will reach out to several of the other neighborhood community associations to let them know about the Zoom meeting – Thursday September 5, 2024.  Tamara also noted that there has been a personnel change in Supervisor Storck’s office, and Peyton is now the Chief of Staff. Members added several ideas. There are two issues to bring up to the DOT - rush hour traffic is bumper to bumper, and non-rush hour speeding. Would like to ask when the traffic study was performed, to figure out if it captured the worst of the issues? 

  • MVCCA - Education Committee - Mark Rogers. Fairfax County is proposing changes to grading to make it more universal. It is also proposing a reduction to the “evaluation period” for school districts, which will impact school attendance areas. Currently they are reevaluated every 20 or so years, and would like to reduce that time because of growth. This can be a sensitive issue, because if a school district is reevaluated it could alter where a student attends school, in the middle of their primary school education.  

  • HCA President’s Report - Tamara Srader. 

    • National Night Out is Tuesday August 6. Jefferson Manor has plans. 

    • Thinking ahead to holidays and potential party. Could use Community Center at Lower Huntington. 

  • HCA Member Time (if you would like to discuss a specific topic, please email Tamara Srader, HCA president prior to the meeting at

    • Michelle will miss the November meeting. 

    • Jamie raised the concern about a car parked on the corner of Biscayne and Huntington, right at the intersection, causing safety concerns. Several members have already reported it to parking enforcement, and were encouraged to do so again. 

    • Jamie mentioned that the figs in the orchard at the top of Blaine are ripe and there is a bumper crop. Please pick! Peaches and plums too. 

  • The meeting was adjourned at 20:00.  


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