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HCA Meeting 6/7/17

Welcome and Introductions

  1. Art Ovalle, President

  2. Jeff Woodward, Vice President

  3. Harry Shepler, Treasurer

  4. Everett Price, Secretary

  5. Guest Speaker

  6. Dan Storck, Supervisor, Fairfax County – Mount Vernon District

  7. Birdogged reopening of community center after fire

  8. Insisted that it needed to reopen in time for summer

  9. Important that it has reopened in time for voting

  10. Decided to do box lunches in place of hot meals because kitchen still being remodeled

  11. Asking that FMD restrict parking to center users during center hours

  12. New fire system, mostly new lighting (energy efficient)

  13. Came on Saturday for reopening tour

  14. Visited levee on Saturday, all going to plan

  15. Riverside apartments filed for special exception to add more housing units; want to remove ground parking and install parking garages and 4-5 story apartment, multi-family homes; approx 750 units

  16. Wesley Housing next to 7-11; Storck more than willing to support it; still needs tax credits; but needs competitive, state-wide process;

  17. North Hill development along Rt. 1; number one ranked project in tax credit process in Virginia; roughly 60% workforce (affordable) housing and 40% market price housing; will find out about tax credits next week

  18. Upcoming development: Fairchild property behind Walmart; Novus Properties planning to build near Wendy’s

  19. Embark Richmond Highway; improved public transit sytem from Huntington Metro down Rt. 1; dedicated bus lanes; goes all the way to Prince William County; 2026 for extension to Ft Belvoir, but depends on federal funding; required change to Comprehensive Plan; south of Costco, Rt 1 for 3-mile stretch to be expanded to 3 lanes in each direction and may include dedicated bus lane in addition, but will require removal of buildings and houses; about year and a half before news of next appropriation of funds

  20. Upcoming events:

  21. Back to the Bay, sponsored by Chesapeake Bay Foundation, 10am-3pm, June 10th, Mason Neck Park, entertainment, recreation, food

  22. Summer Entertainment Series, concert every Friday night during summer, 7:30pm-8:30pm, Gristmill Park, sponsored by corporations and organizations

  23. Workhouse Art Center, former Lorton prison, Saturday night concerts, 7pm

  24. June 30th Disaster Preparedness

  25. Original Mount Vernon High School: project proposed to redevelop the 40-acre complex, currently speaking with master planner; NOVA (Northern Virginia Community College) might bring classes to the current building

  26. Colonial Quarter or Cultural Quarter; aiming to link with bike paths and shuttle service; pursuing idea of full service hotel

  27. Motel issue: some want to go but want too much money for their properties

  28. Sunoco & Vacant lot; Storck very engaged on this issue; Sunoco packaged the property with others they owned for bid process; Sunoco decided to reopen the bid after initially closing it a month or two ago; some local businesses were looking to buy the property

  29. Will come back in a year

  30. Email to be added to Mt Vernon newsletter

  31. Paul Browne, Wesley Housing Development Corp. (2317 Huntington Ave.)

  32. Unsuccessful in gaining tax credits for development this spring; need Supervisor Storck’s support to help our case the next time around

  33. First meeting with County staff tomorrow to discuss the revised plan

  34. Construction would be 9 months after tax credits secured next Spring (approx 2019)

  35. No other properties in Mt Vernon district; Coppermine Place in Herndon; Strawbridge Square in Mason District; senior housing in Drainesville; own some properties in Alexandria City (Beverly Park, Lynnhaven, Parkview); best example is Coppermine Place

  36. Plan to keep duplexes vacant although Wesley does not own them currently although they are under contract

  37. HCA Committee Reports:

  38. Mount Vernon Council of Community Associations

  39. General Council Meeting

  40. Art could not attend but received minutes; Discussed Embark Project; SEE PACKET for what was discussed

  41. Planning and Zoning

  42. Two speakers on Monday night

  43. Riverside Apartments

  44. No hard questions from committee

  45. HCA probably will vote on the project in August

  46. Park Service Captain

  47. Big accident at Morningside and GW Parkway

  48. Speeding 20mph over is reckless driving on Parkway; 25mph over north of Pentagon

  49. Transportation – Jeff Woodward

  50. Discussion focused on GW Parkway accident

  51. Proposal for intersection near Costco to install cloverleaf

  52. Visit County website to learn more about Embark Project

  53. Environment and Recreation – Alan Ruof

  54. Unable to attend E&R meeting

  55. Levee Project moving ahead on time; focused on excavating for the pump station; next need to build temporary sewers; then will excavate “keyway” or bad soil near Victory Dr.; Levee website posts construction photos and updates; Aaron Cook, longtime County project manager, is departing and his deputy Mike Dreyer will take the helm; mistakenly cut down a tree belonging to someone on the opposite side of the fence line, working to formulate an appropriate response

  56. Health and Human Services

  57. Still vacant

  58. Education – Caitlin Wilson

  59. Not present

  60. Budget and Finance

  61. Not present

  62. Neighborhood Watch – David Sears

  63. Training held last night


  65. New Business/Action Items/Updates

  66. HCA Member Vote: Office space us of Wesley Housing Project

  67. Discussion of why to make ground floor office space, whereas retail space would be more attractive; others made the point that the retail tenant would not necessarily be attractive

  68. “Although we prefer improved retail for the area, for the purposes of this project, we support business space”

  69. The motion passed, with one in opposition

  70. HCA Member Vote: Revised HCA Bylaws

  71. Passed unanimously

  72. Vote retracted; postponed to August

  73. HCA Member Vote: HCA Memberships from calendar year to annual date of membership

  74. The vote was postponed to August

  75. HCA Member Vote: Change/offer alternate Payment Method for Annual HCA Membership

  76. The vote was postponed to August

  77. Huntington Community Center – Working relationship

  78. Community Center director interested in expanding cooperation with HCA, including involvement in National Night Out

  79. Mt. Vernon District Joint Public Safety Community Meeting – May 31st

  80. New HCA Website rollout date

  81. Coming July 1st

  82. Huntington Community Association Logo

  83. Send out on listserv

  84. Huntington Community Picnic (Farrington Park)– June 24th, no rain date

  85. Will post info to listserv next week

  86. Huntington Neighborhood Cleanup – July 8th

  87. Farrington Park

  88. Will open to public on Saturday, June 10th or Monday, June 12th at latest

  89. National Night Out – August 1st

  90. Parker allowing us to use their park

  91. Hotdogs, chips, and drinks

  92. Midtown joining National Night Out and contribute money

  93. Fairfax County Parks and Recreation may help us, possibly staff

  94. Inquiring with businesses for donations

  95. Police, Fire, and Ambulance

  96. Going to flyer the neighborhood

  97. Next HCA Meeting: August 3rd at 7:30pm

© Huntington Community Association

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